Wednesday, July 13, 2011

End of Terrorism? So What?

U.S. Defense Secretary, Leon Panetta Newly, announced Saturday that the United States Al - Qaeda is within the reach of beat. As Panetta said, "I think we run them at the moment I have now, following what happened with bin Laden, put maximum pressure on them, because I believe that if we continue this effort, we really can cripple al-Qaeda as a threat to this country. "

In May, after the assassination of Osama bin Laden, many other top al - Qaeda operatives have been eliminated. Osama bin Laden, the U.S. Navy SEAL team was killed May 2 in the early hours, prompting speculation other Al - Qaeda or Taliban figures hiding in Pakistan will be the next target. And that is exactly what happened.

For example, Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, Al - Qaeda before the devastating attacks, the U.S. East African embassies in 1998, mastermind, in Somalia, was shot on June 12 at an army checkpoint. In addition, Ilyas Kashmiri, a top al Qaeda operative in Pakistan is believed to have been killed by drone in South Waziristan. (CNN reports a senior officer "of people that make that determination, are not prepared to say so definitely." That "99 percent sure" that the terrorist is dead, though)

In addition, Mubarak Al Juhmi Firas, a most wanted in Yemen al - Qaeda suspects, the military battle Zinjibar on Wednesday night near the provincial capital city was hit. Al Juhmi, the most wanted and dangerous one of the leaders of Al Qaeda, as Shaif Al Al Jarbou'a Hejazi, Mus'ab bin Mabkhout bin Al - Sharif Aboud, Saeed Bin Ahmed Bin Ghulaib and many other suspects were hit with Terrorists did.

Also, a spokesman for the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan has announced that it has been reported that the Taliban supreme leader Mullah Mohammad Omar has been killed.

Al - Qaeda Panetta told the impending loss is important because it recognized the best in the world's terrorist groups. Then, the top Taliban leader's death is announced to the added value is multiplied. This means that there is definitely a significant nature that is about.

What great planning on the part of those facing terrorism indicate? Most likely. However, when we investigate these killings and Mr. Panetta announced the prophecies of the Bible in the light, we then see it all is a much larger picture. Thus, there is a far greater eternal significance here is a factor that is occurring in nature.

The Bible indicates that the war on terror and its inevitable defeat of the end times prophecy. We have that 1 Thessalonians 5:03, where world leaders will announce a day can see the statement made to us in "Peace and safety!"The only way that a reliable fashion in any way that could assertion.

President Bush has used the phrase, phrases and other members of his administration (especially Secretary of State Hillary Clinton) is used, often as well. Also (several months ago with a twenty minute In a speech Secretary of State of each term "peace" and twenty-three "safety" time! used), the phrase was used by a number of other world leaders, such as United Nations Secretary General and Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu as Israel's.

In fact, how the Israeli leadership, the last couple of years have been using the term.

The relationship is very important because it fits perfectly with the end-time prophecies.Confirmation of the Treaty in conjunction with the international community will believe it "peace and security" is achieved.

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