Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How to Create Your Own Cloud Backup Service

Whether you are a service provider, software vendor, IT consultant or a small company would like to introduce its own cloud backup service, the process is not always an easy one. Backing up data is not a small job and a backup service can be very complex. Market there are many services that claim to be number one, but you choose the right?First you must decide on a cloud backup solutions provider, there are many in the market, each offering a variety of solutions and technologies.

In the early stages where you want to store your data, it should be fixed. You can break the options into three categories:

1 - your data center start: It can be expensive, requires a lot of bandwidth, and hardware to manage the demand and the backup copy of a number of places. In this direction will require major investment of time and money. Unless you a big, experienced team and a lot of finance is not recommended.

2 - solution provider of storage facilities of the Trust: it can sometimes require a lot of unknowns, RAID 5 or RAID 6 disk it contains generally.

3 - public cloud space: the solution providers permit, it is the best option. A top-class people, the net cloud infrastructure such as Amazon S3, which will eliminate the need to invest in expensive hardware and bandwidth may choose to use.Many people have come a (Service Level Agreement) SLA which will guarantee 99.9999% uptime and supported with data security.

Only a true cloud solution for uploading files to a very high cloud, many backup solutions that are not in fact.It works without interference issues and bugs such as problems with constant speed so you should be disturbed.

Things to look for when choosing your solution:

- To manage the entire cloud. You manage, control, and should be able to handle everything from the cloud directly.

- Speed ​​is a key to look for in a backup solution is one of the things. Many famous products have many features, but is very slow. Standard than to read and make sure you have a feature rich yet fast solution. It is usually that the display mode to help speed the backup and restore process is done to look for a variety of supports.

- Software manual settings will not quietly and with no performance impact should run in the background.

- Deployment and installation as few steps as possible should be done in the cloud. Never look at a solution that is manually installed on personal computers and the need to define jobs.

- One of the benefits of cloud dynamics. Solution you choose, all the major mobile device (iPhone, iPad, Android, etc) should be integrated with

- Restore the backup just as important as a backup solution. Sure there are options that way simply dragging and dropping a file on your computer over the cloud cover make a variety of restoration. It can be straight forward, fast, and should be easy.

- When backing up a block-level technology. You do not want solutions that do not support it. Means that large files block level "block" and are only modified or changed in the broken parts are backed up. This saves a lot of time and space.

It benefits you because you help your clients can benefit from the offer will. It will help them to stay completely safe at all times. Make sure that the cloud global deduplication disaster recovery and supports both the ground, otherwise it is useless.

- Deduplication on different levels will also save a lot of time and space. Deduplication is repeated throughout your entire client list that reduces the amount of data. Adequate backup solution for intelligent backup and an example of a file using signs to determine who else is using this file should be.

- Safety is important when deciding on a solution provider. Do your research and read the white paper produced by the company regarding their safety ensured. A white paper is a must because it usually indicates that more security was not a high priority that does not exist, you will run into many problems in the long run.

- The scalability of the biggest advantages of a cloud.

It is no secret that the tech world is moving to the cloud. Offer a cloudy solution may be a very profitable business, but create a complex, scary, and can be confusing.


Monday, June 27, 2011

How to Invest in Today's Economy

Have you ever asked yourself how the rich became rich? The next time you are wealthy people who ask how they become rich, they probably tell you that they buy and sell real estate or stocks will become wealthy from trading. These are some of the ways to become wealthy. There are many other ways to get rich by investing. You purchase real estate, bonds, mutual funds can invest in etc.

People who invest in real estate will generally buy property, fix it, and then sell for a profit. A lot of people a tremendous amount of money made this way.This method is called "buy and hold strategy." There are many other ways real estate investors can invest money.

Other types of investors who are buying and selling stock. They typically buy stock at a relatively low price, and then hold the stock until the stock price rises significantly in price. When stock prices began to decline, then stocks will be sold at a profit. Investors who buy shares from many companies such as these can quickly develop a large portfolio.

Many investors spread their money over a range of investments. This is called diversification. To put it another way, you do not want to put all your eggs in one basket. Many high-risk investments in hopes of getting some of your money will be paired with higher returns. It makes sense also "safe" invest in investment. "Safe" returns on investment risk as much of course will not be as high as the return on investment.

Other ways of investment bonds, savings accounts, mutual funds, and CD covers. Mutual funds are managed by professional investment firms. Investors in the fund units and investment company uses money to buy stocks, bonds, commodities, futures, etc. to buy

If you are going to be a successful investor, you have to follow certain procedures. Investment vehicle is the first thing you need to learn and understand how it works. If you do not understand how to invest, you finally have to be expensive mistakes which could turn out to be a lot.

That is why as much as you can you need to know about investing. Learning and understanding you properly invested and will be able to invest wisely. By educating yourself, you risk making a far more informed and intelligent will be able to make decisions about your investments. This in turn for you and your family will be able to make money. But it is important that investment is a plan, do not get rich quick. If you must control your personal finances, it requires work and you will learn. Awards include the amount of work yet to weigh out. Start today to take control of your personal finances.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Indian Domestic Violence Act - A Brief Overview

Domestic domestic abuse, spousal abuse or intimate partner violence (IPV) is known as the violence largely by one or both partners in an intimate relationship such as marriage can be defined as a pattern of abusive behavior, dating, family, friends or sex.

In simple words, "among prisoners living with violence or who already have co-habited."

The main causes of violence such as personality disorders, low self-esteem, lack of assertiveness, stress, childhood, dependency and violent atmosphere during

Some of the methods by which abused women to:

- You do not perform any sexual acts which he forced.
- Endangered or knife, gun or any weapon attack
- Tried to choke
- Slap Women

Slap one of the most common methods of abuse are women.
The cycle of domestic violence is repeated across generations. Women whose mothers were twice beaten by his father to be experiencing domestic violence.

Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005, Protection

Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005 into force October 26, 2006 was brought by the Government of India. Act by Parliament in August 2005 was passed and the President of India on September 13, 2005, assented to by. November, 2005 it has been out four to eight years in India, two state government confirmed. Namely Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Orissa and Uttar Pradesh.

About 8,000 criminal cases under the Act from all over India, Rajasthan was the 3440 cases, were 1028 Kerala, the Punjab had 172 cases.

Historical background

Domestic Violence Act passed in the history of women's movement in India is an important marker. Before the Act, domestic violence affects survivors were unwilling to implement domestic violence as a criminal offense.

The purpose of Act

. Enacted to provide protection

Sailent features of the Act:

-. Domestic violence is physical abuse or risk of abuse, which is physical, sexual, verbal, emotionally and financially involved - one of the most important feature of the Act for women's housing rights reserved.

- The draft Act provides for the appointment of security officers.

Act of physical, sexual, emotional, verbal, psychological and economic exploitation, and it defines domestic abuse as a threat.

Of its primary beneficiary

Women and children are the primary beneficiaries of the Act. Provisions for the Protection of Women Act, Section 2 (a) has been under. This is a woman who will help the defendant in a domestic relationship.

Children, parent or parents who are torturing and tormenting them can file a case against.

Who are the real victims

The real victims of domestic violence, rural women are illiterate and are hardly aware of their rights. Act should be implemented effectively in rural areas


- Almost two out of five women than by anyone else has experienced physical or sexual violence by husbands.
- One in four married women by their husband, husband the last twelve months have experienced physical or sexual violence.

Loopholes in the Act
Act a stellar role in the protection of women's rights and protecting them from domestic violence.
On the other hand men brush aside the authority of this Act.
The victim is a woman. Act recognizes that domestic violence is a man who clearly will never be a wrong assumption.

Under this Act, a female co-habitation of the past can also file a complaint. It is enough for him to take revenge on her husband, offers incase he is innocent. Even male children are excluded form the scope of the Act.

This act is an act of gender-biased.

Educated woman who is able to act really well are aware of the rights conferred by this Act has been misused by. Against women and the male person and his relatives have been proven to be innocent until the defendant to file cases with false accusations, a lot of economic benefits.

Domestic violence against spouse
For many men their lives that they are beaten or harassed by their wives ashamed to confess the truth. It is because the mindset is like that, no one would really believe such men.

An online-based "Save the Family" is the foundation of my nation, a study in collaboration with the Indian husbands.
India 98% of men had suffered domestic violence in their lives once.

Polls conducted by a site
- 99% said they are verbally abused.
- 91% said that they are mentally tortured.

Globalization, prosperity and education, though we have failed to eliminate violence against women. Which are being blamed for this situation? As charity begins at home, it is a nation, a team must take the initiative to eradicate this evil people.
As India's male-dominated culture, women's empowerment to find effective solutions. For reservations in jobs and education seems to be more effective solutions and gradually direct participation should be encouraged.


Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Agnes Story

A modest white clapboard and red brick Williamsburg, Virginia in the 4989 Hickory Signpost Road, off John Tyler Highway farm house on a suburban street nestles, fronted. Some dried leaves scattered about the yard sign that the transition season, the white oak and ash trees are still holding their cards. All the light, looks orderly on the day of early October, as we look tired Ford Econoline van and a pickup truck that is clearly seen better days next to the park follow the road back home . Brings no answer a knock at the front door, but the rear deck is a large wave to come in the kitchen. Martha's Place, a residential home for adults with disabilities are welcome.

In this family, physical and intellectual disabilities, autism and impairments that need support to cope with the daily challenges of individuals living with people with them. A tall, strongly built woman, her brown hair tied in a floral kerchief that matches her caftan, we have a warm handshake and beaming smile, which greets his eyes with fatigue in the mix. He bids us to take a seat on a kitchen counter stools. He, however, alights only briefly, as the case be resolved in a short night, be prepared for the morning, a day of food and is organized in a way.

Senior Agnes Nairobi, native from a family of eight children. Jolly Pond neighborhood that makes up her first home for disabled adults, his cloistered, contemplative world away from the original intent of joining the Dominicans. A trip home, his father, "do you" encourage him to St. Francis (LSOSF) led to the Little Sisters. At this point, Rose, a young new game client in the room, black sneakers, bustles whitelaced, is to know when the barber wants her braids. Sr. Agnes, the first of a dozen times, patience is all work and activities that must be accomplished before the first show will be like. Rose hugs him and sits for a few minutes before repeating the questions below. It is her birthday present, and he is particularly concerned.

Without pause, her spiritual and professional path to senior Agnes season compares to "a plant, should be resolved, and the crop but first you must prepare and make rain;. And do not forget weeding." When ready, the University of Rochester and National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID), where he lived with the Sisters of Mercy took part in, and Gallaudet University in Washington DC, where his field of special education background, he decided that the best residential homes for people with disabilities through the opening to serve God and his community. This perception has often been a thorny process. Had to overcome financial and visa barriers. His passion always was not adopted by others. "Some people say I'm crazy," he chuckles, "but they came around eventually, perhaps reluctantly." She also says she prayed a lot.

Five homes with more to come, the complexities of managing care, senior people, "Agnes has expanded the circle of knowledge with their own means. Compassionate and enlightened are wise people, mortgage, and legal advice is offered. She rolls her eyes in the period and interest rates, the expertise of others perceive her deep gratitude. His vision is once again to East Africa. Economic globalization, but has brought other problems as well. As he recalls his youth in his face saddens, visited the neighbors casually back and forth. "There are now fences, people are busy, the next generation down the road is very rough."

Seeking a resolution of his relentless optimism, and so turns towards helping children. It is like planting a new crop. Senior U.S. and its culture to her friends' Agnes of understanding with excitement, there are plans to build an orphanage."The soul is what we have?" Should he asks.

Senior Agnes roots that has been brought to understand the larger community. Residents of Jolly Pond, Martha's Place, Hickory Signpost, Lwanga Home St. Charles, Lwanga "G" Home, Seaton House, and St. Michael's Day Support Program is our neighbor. They are different in institutions, but people get the best of my ability. Sr. Agnes, Diocese of the other sisters, and those who work with these individuals are their advocates, the cooking and cleaning for transport, providing an abundance of support from daily logistics. They often nurse, teach, or listen. They vacations, favorite TV show, and remember birthdays. Sr. Agnes and community models that inspire success comes from the action. He has taken a dream and made it a success with her strong faith and determination. Barber now has come, and Rose will get his braids.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Face the Fear of Feedback

Standing in front of the mirror rehearsing a speech, a presentation of yourself or your family in the living room the recording performance, we all want positive feedback and praise. But the response we want to hear about, but need to hear again and again.

The bottom line is nobody is perfect. However, we all could use a little trimming around the edges. That said, often times we overlook our own flaws, or to choose not to see them. The feedback comes in. The key to remember here there is no such thing as a negative feedback. You will hear again and again what will be negative.

Out of fear that, your ears, your mind and train your heart to hear useful advice and tips that come from the reaction. Whether it is a husband and three children standing in his room, rehearsing for a professor or a potential employer. There is fear but fear itself. What is our greatest fear and mystery? Failure.

Failure is a thing most Americans fear most. Of course, that makes sense right? We are afraid to respond because it means failure, right? Wrong! Response threshold for success. When you have to know how to use it.

Feedback is a tool that many people overlook or do injustice. Is something that many people with the opportunity to re-evaulate and abilities that need to see the lies.use it.

In which someone gives you their fears, is where their education, personal life, or can choose the profession. Or you seize the day, practice, practice, and those you love, trust and respect to ask for feedback. Once that part is to use what they have told you. And most importantly, swallow your pride (and yes there will be times that you need to do it) and thank them. It is not easy for them!

There is hearing what you say and truly is a difference between listening to feedback. Here in this example it is important that you hear what they are telling you, evaluate it, learn from it and use the tool to your advantage. This is a step on the ladder of success.

The bottom line is the response a sign of weakness, failure or do not indicate anything negative.It takes strength to face our fears, to trust the challenges and advice to heart, learn from mistakes and recover from recognition.

Promotion, job offer, or take control of school funding has been avoiding you. Response skills, confidence and charisma you need to advance their personal and professional goals will offer. Accept feedback and develop as a person.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bad Credit Refinance: Is It a Good Option?

As interest rates are low at the moment, you may wish to refinance the mortgage on your home to take advantage of them. You may have run into financial problems and need to consolidate your debts so that you pay a lower rate of interest as well as just paying one bill instead of several you have to pay separately at the moment.

Bad credit refinance is certainly an option for you to consider, and the first step towards applying for a bad credit refinance mortgage is to sit down and work out your monthly payments for your credit card bills, your household bills and any other bills. Work out how much you need and then do some research to get the best bad credit refinance mortgage that you can obtain.

If you have your mortgage for a number of years and regularly pay your bills on time, then your credit score may not be as bad as it used to be, if you took out a bad credit mortgage. You need to check your FICO (Fair Isaac Corporation) score which will cost around $10. You should also get a free copy of your consumer credit report, which may contain one or more errors that you can fix, thus increasing your credit score. The FICO score is used by most lenders to discover where potential borrowers stand financially. Forewarned is forearmed as they say, and knowing what your score is will enable you to assess how much you can reasonably expect to borrow and how much the interest rates should be on the new mortgage. You can request free copies of credit reports from AnnualCreditReport.com.

You may have more home equity in your property than you imagine which is good, as property prices have risen a lot in the past few years, and the equity you have in your property is calculated on the current market value and so is your bad credit refinance deal. The down payment you receive from your bad credit refinance company could help decrease your credit card debt substantially or allow you to purchase an expensive item that you really need. Don't however fall into the debt trap and use the money to buy a luxury item that isn't absolutely necessary.

Getting bad credit refinancing is not impossible, but when you find a lender willing to refinance, check the fine print extremely carefully and preferably pay a real estate attorney to go over the terms and conditions for you, as you could save thousands of dollars in the long-term by paying a professional a couple of hundred dollars before signing on any dotted line.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Major Medical Insurance

Flexible policies that most injuries and diseases, provide cheaper coverage - A major medical insurance company, a health insurance agency that sells major medical insurance. Major medical insurance plan covers most serious medical expenses after a deductible and co-insurance provision in general to a maximum limit.

A major medical insurance company typically has two major insurance plans, managed care plans and medical insurance plans (traditional insurance plans) provides. Compensation plans in the "reimbursement" plan referred to as an insurance company charges for medical insurance no matter which service reimburses. Managed care plans Health Maintenance (HMOs) organization, preferred provider organizations (PPOs), and Point of Service (Pos) are included in the plan, all insurance company and medical providers to include an agreement between a selected group.

A major medical insurance company before deciding, it quotes provided by insurance companies as a comparative study of a careful analysis of the plan as well as wise. Many insurance agents somehow "forgot" to talk about planning restrictions, the plan is completely ineffective. Therefore, it is important that a plan that is ideal for a family before zeroing in on some careful investigation and a purse that fits.

A rich source of information Internet companies' plans and services is about. Compare before arriving at any conclusion analyzing the cost of each plan. If the facts and figures round your head up, get expert advice. Another option is to make contact with leading medical insurance companies and the benefits that you get for the price that you have in mind is to learn.

Major medical insurance coverage is an obligation of the federal health department. A list of companies and agents dealing with insurance coverage is available at the Office of the State Department. "In addition to the list of companies, offices as well as important advice on the policy track record adverse information with the companies to opt to provide.
